Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Appco Group Prosales expanding its operations into New Zealand

Appco Group Prosales has succeeded in expanding its operations into the New Zealand market through Appco Group New Zealand. The significant growth through sales of FW1 and FW1 associated products in New Zealand has been through with some nifty marketing techniques.

The success of FW1 with more than 2,000 petrol sites and 1,500 shopping centres selling approximately 800,000 pieces of FW1 merchandise annually has led Appco Group Prosales management team to develop new strategies to launch FW1 products initially in UK and then go internationally.

Appco Group Prosales CEO Ty Pedersen said: “This is a very exciting time for FW1. We are proud to have reached this stage in such a short period of time. Our approach for international expansion is targeted, and we look forward to rolling out FW1 products and achieving continued success across the globe.”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Appco Group Sports representatives invited by a leading sports club

It was great news to hear that 30 Field representatives were invited by a leading sports club recently to access a clearer ‘behind the scenes’ look at the club. This was an insight for the representatives to gain an in-depth knowledge of how the direct marketing practices of Appco Group help in financing various programmes of the club.

“It was great for the group to hear the results of their hard work, all while further developing their program knowledge, which has already proven a boon for them out in the field when discussing the program with consumers.” – commented an Appco Group Sports representative.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Appco Group Support recognises people with outstanding performance in the charities

The charity division of Appco Group known as Appco Group Support has recognised those people who have made an outstanding contribution to charity.

The event recognised those who have made an outstanding contribution to the Charity sector in areas like Fundraising, Marketing and Communications, Governance and Foundations. "Sponsoring the award for Charity Partnership seemed like the natural choice for Appco Group Support as the partnerships we have with our charities are absolutely integral to the success of our face to face campaigns. We had a ball, and it was a great privilege to be able to recognise the hard work of these two charities"- Stated Jen Gould, Appco Group Support Campaign Manager.

As Appco Group New Zealand is on its heels to make things better for a fund raising group in New Zealand, this recognition ignites the spirit to work hard for a good cause.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Appco Group New Zealand delegates gather for a week of learning and networking

More than 300 delegates gathered for an informative week from 19th to 24th of October and Appco Group New Zealand delegates too participated in the meet up held in the picturesque location of Hamilton Island, Australia.

The key strategies to move forward were discussed in the Appco Rest and Relaxation meet, with a clear focus on divisional structure, improvement of training techniques, recruitment and retention, travel schedules, and the 2011 meeting and event calendar.

The meetings were led by Appco Group Chairman and Founder Chris Niarchos and Vice President Shane Ward with special guests including Country Head of Greece Howie Seymour, Vice President Asia and Country Head of Malaysia James Greaves and Vice President Tony Fernandez.

Chris Niarchos, Appco Group Chairman and Founder stated, “It’s an exciting time for Appco Group. We’re looking forward to moving into more countries and teaching new training techniques, as well as continuing to innovate. This week is the perfect opportunity for people to learn from one another.”

“We want to ensure our owners never stop training and keep up the same level of enthusiasm as when they first started. We are also developing our marketing and communication strategy, so all owners have the opportunity to communicate the success they are having via different channels.”

After an exciting week of learning and networking the people had the opportunity to relax and unwind over the weekend sharing their experiences.